E-Cigarettes have some interesting statistics that are surprising to many. The world contains roughly 1.3 billion smokers, which approximately leads to six million smoking-related deaths every year. For example, focusing just on the UK, 80,000 deaths each year are caused from smoking cigarettes. What is even worse is that for every death, there are at least 20 more smokers suffering from tobacco-related diseases. The outcome of this is around 450,000 admissions to the hospital each year. This is one of the only leading causes of death that can be easily prevented.
There have been many attempts to try to stop the rapid expansion of E-cigarettes. Opposing people and organizations have tried to increase taxes on them, tried banning marketing and advertising of them, and are trying to strictly enforce smoke-free work environments. When it comes down to it, if this were to happen in the United States then the long term results showed that smoking would be reduced from 20% to 10% by 2030. Yes, this is a good projection but it still leaves millions in harms way when there are other preventable measures that can be taken.
There is more evidence on the side of E-cigarettes. Out of the 2.1 million British adults who currently are using e-cigs, roughly one third are former cigarette smokers and two thirds still smoke. Even more evidence supporting e-cigarettes is evidence falsifying the rumor that more young adults are starting to smoke because of the appeal of e-cigarettes. The use of them is almost entirely enjoyed by current and/or former cigarette smokers. There is no evidence that young adults are first experimenting with e-cigarettes, despite the growing popularity.
Even though the FDA has already announced that it intends to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products, there still needs to be a new perspective on e-cigarettes and the benefits they provide. It is already believed that before 2100, there will be a billion tobacco related deaths. E-cigarettes present the chance to change that projected outcome for the future.