Is There A Safety Rating For E-juices?
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Ecig battery mod atomizer and ejuice splashMore and more people are taking better care of their health these days than ever before. We are often asked about the safety of e-juices and what exactly are they made of. Many people think that if you’re “smoking” something, it’s unhealthy. We hope to be able to clear up some of these questions.


First, what is the difference between propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG)? Can either of these ingredients be harmful to one’s health? What about allergies and side effects? Are there any?


If E-cigs are used as a ‘quit-smoking’ tool, obviously the smoker is concerned about their health. So, why switch one bad habit for another? The answer? You don’t! And here’s why. 


E-juices are made using propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), natural flavorings, and nicotine at vaper’s requests. Nicotine is sometimes the same dosage as a cigarette and slowly weaned down as tolerated by the vaper. Vaping can also be a nicotine-free experience.


As for e-juices, some contain water and/or a sweetener. The percentage of PG to VG varies by brand. Most e-juices are organic (meaning no pesticides or other harmful ingredients) and are considered safe.


IsThere A Difference Between PG and VG?


Yes. Vegetable glycerin is thicker than propylene glycol. If the e-juice you select contains more VG, it will produce more vapor. This is a personal choice and is frequently used by so-called vaping ‘hobbyists’. E-juices that contain more PG has a more robust flavor and delivers a greater throat hit. This is especially important to people who are quitting tobacco products. E-juices are also available in a formula created as 50PG/50VG e-juice to balance the two. Personal preference varies. 


Is E-juice Considered Safe?


Both PG and VG are used in many food products, and in medical and pharmaceutical products. Surprisingly, asthma inhalers also contain PG. PG is generally recognized as safe (G.R.A.S.) by the FDA. This information can be found on the FDA website.


Some people assume that PG is harmful because it's used in anti-freeze. The truth is PG is used as a safer alternative in anti-freeze and replaces the more harmful ethylene glycol producing a safer, non-toxic anti-freeze. It’s important not to confuse the two. 


Allergies and Side Effects of E-juices: Is This A Problem?


Since there are numerous consumable food products made with the exact same ingredients, you would most likely already know if you are allergic. The most common allergy symptoms from PG would be eczema, throat irritations, and nausea. If you are concerned about PG, switching to 100% VG should resolve these symptoms.  PG is also used in numerous cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and many other products usually in small amounts. Check the labels on some of your health and beauty items. You might already be using PG. 


Other side effects from PG and VG, especially in new users, would include dry mouth, sore throat, and increased thirst. Drinking more fluids can help. Similar symptoms can also be attributed to withdrawal from tobacco products.