Sub-Ohm Sweet Ohm For Vaping
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Rebuildable Dripping Vaping Atomizer, close upAre you a newbie to vaping? Still learning the ins and outs of sub-ohm vaping? We can help. If you’ve quit smoking cigarettes or you’re a vaping ‘hobbyist’, here are some great tips. First, sub-ohm vaping produces a large amount of vapor and produces a stronger nicotine hit. Ejuice flavors are also enhanced. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re on the right page.

Living dangerously so to speak! Try a 28-gauge dual-coil .3 ohms. Sub-ohms have the potential to produce a lot of vapor because wires heat up faster and get much hotter. More vapor equals a stronger nicotine hit as well. But, the resistance is not the only thing that’s critical. And you should understand why it is important.

Let’s compare different builds. For instance, a 26-gauge wire and a 28-guage both have the resistance of .8 ohms, but the thicker 26-gauge requires more wire to get .8 ohms. This means it will produce more vapor. That’s because there is more surface area to vaporize the ejuice. Now what happens when you try to get .8 ohms using a 32-gauge wire? The wire is too short and that that’s not practical. Thin wires are used for the higher ohm builds. For sub-ohm, it’s best to use a 28-gauge or thicker wire. For this post, we will talk mostly about 28-gauge builds.

What about dual-coil builds? Both use 28-gauge wires and both have the resistance of .8 ohms, but the dual-coil requires 4 times more wire to get .8 ohms. This is a lot more wire and will produce a lot more vapor. That’s why sub-ohm vapers like to use a minimum of 2 coils.

Out of the box, the air holes are small. Vapers will drill larger holes. The coils get really hot so this also helps with the heat. Now, with larger holes, the vapor is more diluted because it draws more air. The key to controlling vapor is resistance, wire surface area, and airflow.

Very low resistance works best with a dipper. With different atomizers, the ejuice will vaporize faster than the wick can absorb it. Dippers don’t have this problem because you drip ejuice directly onto the coil. The heat from sub-ohm will eventually wear out the insulator, the part that separates the positive from ground. If this is damaged, it can create a short. Not to worry - this part is replaceable.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the resistance limit. This is different for every battery. For example, if you have an AW 18650 2000 mA power battery, the lowest vape ohm to run would be .3 ohms. Keep in mind that if you go too low, you’re basically shorting out the battery, and that can cause the battery to explode.