Vaping-Some Facts-E-juice Basics & Lab Created Liquids
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Ecig battery mod atomizer and ejuice splashE-juices, also called e-liquids, are the component of vaping devices where the flavor, and nicotine originates. The heated e-juice is also where the inhaled vapor and vapor cloud are created. There are a wide variety of e-juice flavors available on the market. They can be mixed and matched for unique blends. The best quality is a lab created liquid.


Two main ingredients used as the foundation of e-juices are propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). Combining the two products gives the base a smooth texture that is able to take flavorings and nicotine well. The base generally has more propylene glycol than vegetable glycerin due to the thick consistency of the PG. Some E-liquids are made to have higher levels of vegetable glycerin. The higher VG content creates a better vapor cloud, a plus for vape users looking for the sub ohm factor. An e-liquid with a higher VG is a good alternative for vape smokers that are sensitive or allergic to propylene glycol.


The first main ingredient, Propylene glycol, is a chemical that has been safely used for more than fifty years. It can be commonly found in food and household products. It’s often used as a flavor carrier in foods, a component in food coloring, an additive in medicines, and an ingredient in cosmetics.


Vegetable glycerin is a plant based product, not a chemical. Global Healing Center explains VG as a clear, and odorless liquid that is made from plant based oils including palm, coconut and soy. Vegetable glycerin is a smooth substance much like that of an oil or syrup. It’s often used in foods and household products. When used for these types of items it must be a USP grade product. This is a vegetable glycerin that is a 99% pure substance. VG is often used in household products such as lotions, shampoos and toothpastes.


E-juices created in labs are often the highest quality liquids found on the market. They are compromised of the best ingredients available. The components are often USP food grade & FDA approved flavor extracts and pure, locally sourced nicotine. Premium e-juices are created in state-of-the-art labs often built to be used by individual vaping companies. The manufacturing facilities and storage areas are built to have environments that are climate and humidity controlled, fully ventilated, and sealed from outside air. The E-liquids are created and produced by trained technicians. Lab created e-juices tend to be a smooth product with a full flavor.


E-juices are the fortitude of vaping devices. There is a wide variety of flavors, and brands available. Mixing and matching the various products will give you enhanced flavors for your enjoyment. Investing in lab created e-juices will give you a richer product full of flavor. To help you maneuver through the extensive range of products, come visit us in our Tarrant E-cig Store. Let our experienced team guide you through the maze of e-juices and vaping products to find the perfect combination to help enhance your vaping journey.



  1. Global Healing Center. “What is Vegetable Glycerin?”

16 May 2016