Vaping Blog

Smokeless Tobacco- The Facts

Smokers and heavy drinkers are normally the ones that are most likely to develop mouth cancer. There are considerably less incidents of mouth cancer in those who used snuff, chewing tobacco, or did any other smokeless tobacco product. 40 plus years of research has concluded that smoke has much more harmful long-term effects on the […]

Have E-Cigarettes Done Their Purpose?

The outcomes caused by smoking cigarettes have proven to be disastrous to a body. All of your organs have the potential to be damaged as well as your risk of any kind of smoking related illnesses drastically increasing. After years of gathering knowledge about the effects of cigarette smoking, 40 million Americans still continue the habit. That […]

Consistently Clean E-Cigs

Germs are most likely the last thought on most vapers minds when giving thought to their vaping piece. As much as people would like to ignore the subject forever, germs and cleaning your e-cig regularly are important pointers that need to stay on the top of your e-cig maintenance list. Regularly cleaning the germs and […]

Have You Tried Sub-Ohm Vaping?

Trending today in the world of vaping is sub-ohm vaping, and vapers want to learn more. When mods first came out, atomizers and cartomizers had a range of 1.5-2.8 ohms. Nowadays, sub-ohm mods use atomizer coils which produce resistance of less than 1.0 ohm. Because they produce bigger clouds, intensified flavor, and hotter vaper, they are […]

E-Cigarettes Saving Lives?

E-Cigarettes have some interesting statistics that are surprising to many. The world contains roughly 1.3 billion smokers, which approximately leads to six million smoking-related deaths every year. For example, focusing just on the UK, 80,000 deaths each year are caused from smoking cigarettes. What is even worse is that for every death, there are at […]

Vaping While Traveling

For people who do not know what vaping is, it looks like ‘smoking’ which immediately puts up a red flag. Since smoking has now been banned in many public areas around the country, vaping is misunderstood with regards to health and safety. This will change slowly over time, but until then, if you’re traveling and […]

E-Cigarettes: New Route To Health Improvement

Prime Minister, David Cameron, made some positive comments about how e-cigarettes are a “legitimate path” for improving the overall health of the nation. While speaking at the Prime Minister’s Question time last week, Cameron stated that the battle he was going through with smoking ultimately came out successful. He stressed that the government should closely look […]

New Data From The CDC Data Shocks E-Cigarette Criticizers

There has been new light shed on the battle between E-Cigarette users and their criticizers. With a lot of people viewing e-cigarettes as a gateway drug, criticizers completely believe that non-smokers will transfer from e-cigarettes to testing with the real thing. There’s also a fear of the mysterious long-term future effects of using e-cigarettes due […]